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From Nobody to Somebody



9 ways to go from nobody to somebody

There is never one single thing you do that can transform your importance instantly. Even if you are elected Prime Minister, you get there by climbing the ropes, following the code and being different levels of a somebody first. Unlike in the movies, no kid is just going to get plucked from Ntcheu and win the general election because he promises voters he’s going to “keep it real.” So here are several pointers:

1- Get money

Buy your way into being important. The more money you have, the more people want to get around, and the more crap you get for free. Go figure. There is nothing like walking into a place and saying: “I need to spend a lot of money” to get you noticed. But this is fleeting importance, and having cash isn’t enough to make you a permanent somebody.

2- Have street cred

In my line of work, once you are made or even if you are associated with a Family, you are a somebody. Having a reputation on the street helps, how you go about it is a whole other article.

3- Make a big move

There is nothing like a big move to get you noticed. Whether it’s a big heist, a large merger or an important speech, you can climb up the significance ladder pretty quickly by doing something that will be archived in the history books (whether it’s the ones that get stored in a library or in the Feds’ private collection of mug shots).

4- Be an expert

Everyone always needs the opinion of other people. Even I can admit when derivative pricing models theory is above my head. But when I call, I want to call the best because I know the best knows what he is doing and how he can help me before I even open my mouth. It’s not enough to be an authority on something — you have to be theauthority to get recognised. So instead of being satisfied as a regular lawyer, accountant, computer geek, whatever, be the best in your field. 

5- Take risks

This is hit and miss, but in life, certain risks pay off.

6- Have a spiel

You want to get noticed? You want to stand out from the crowd? Have some unique “thing” people remember you by. It could be a unique look (none of that earring or dyed-hair crap, though), a unique way of talking.

7- Have a lady with significance

It’s amazing what having the right woman on your arm can do for you. Have some cursing, low-rate hillbilly at your side who looks like she just stepped off a zombie movie set and you’ll get one kind of reaction. Have a classy, sophisticated, cultured woman whose self-confidence makes your own back straighten up (I bet you all just straightened your backs), and you will win by association. After all, the latter kind of lady is in high demand; if she is with you, then it means you got something, kid, that others don’t.

8- Talk to people

Being connected doesn’t hurt. The more people you know, the more people you have conversations with, the more you can open doors for yourself or others. Don’t be a Rolodex whore who collects business cards like a bum collects tin cans, but be someone who talks to people with a hidden agenda and stays in touch. A rainmaker of sorts.

9- Have power

This is the most obvious way to become a somebody . But accumulating power isn’t straightforward. Having a position that inherently has power attached to it is the easiest way to go. Being the CEO of a company, a big-shot consultant, a mayor of a major town, a college dean, the boss of a Family, a bank manager, whatever, all of that helps. But you already have to be a somebody to get to those positions. So place yourself in positions where you can wield power and influence, and the rest will inevitably follow.

hang out with power

There are other things you can do, but they are all gimmicks that have a fleeting effect. For example, being the leader of some posse can make you feel important, but if your “crew” is full of rejects from the X Factor, how does that help you?



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