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Showing posts from October, 2015

Seminar diamond OMG 2015

Assalamualaikum wbt.  Kelmarin telah berlangsung satu seminar untuk Diamond dalam OMG. Seminar ni dihadiri oleh 90 orang ni telah diadakan di SACC , Shah Alam. Objektif adalah untuk memberikan para Dsm ilmu, strategi dan pengiraan keuntungan bila mencapai tahap yang lebih tinggi. Memang terkejut la para diamond ni sebab boleh mencapai income 5 angka sebulan dengan buat ikut strategi yg diberikan.. Di samping tu buat perkara yg perlu di buat dengan biasakan yang betul dan betulkan yg biasa. Nk jadi dalam biz ni pun perlu ada SOP Standard of procedure orang yang telah berjaya, baru kita akan jadi mcmna mereka jadi.. Then barulah akan nampak perubahan yg luarbiasa iaitu WOW factors.. Kalau tak mula dengan kekuatan dari dalaman iaitu diri sendiri maka kita tak kan ke mana.  Jom layan pictures ye.. Tengok gambar pun best, apatah lagi Kalau kita ada sekali.. Bukan seminar biasa ye.. Sekian utk kali ni.. Jom sape nk join OMG yg the vaas ni blh la kontek akk ye.. #MAIDOOSAKA #ORANGEMA...

From Nobody to Somebody

“SEEING THINGS FROM THE GROUND FLOOR UP LETS YOU SEE WHAT IT TAKES TO DISTINGUISH YOURSELF FROM THE CAFONES AROUND YOU.” IT’S NOT ENOUGH TO BE AN AUTHORITY ON SOMETHING — YOU HAVE TO BE THE AUTHORITY TO GET RECOGNIZED.” 9 ways to go from nobody to somebody There is never one single thing you do that can transform your importance instantly. Even if you are elected Prime Minister, you get there by climbing the ropes, following the code and being different levels of a somebody first. Unlike in the movies, no kid is just going to get plucked from Ntcheu and win the general election because he promises voters he’s going to “keep it real.” So here are several pointers: 1- Get money Buy your way into being important. The more money you have, the more people want to get around, and the more crap you get for free. Go figure. There is nothing like walking into a place and saying: “I need to spend a lot of money” to get you noticed. But this is fleeting importance, and having cash isn’t enough to...